Postingan ini buat temen temen yang pengen anaknya jadi dokter ya.


Banyak yang nanya juga, so aku akan memberikan pendapatku dan insight ku

1. Sekolah kedokteran itu biayanya lumayan, masa studi lama.

Rata rata di indonesia biar bisa jadi spesialis butuh 11 tahun.

Dan selama sekolah itu tentunya mengeluarkan biaya yang tak sedikit.

Makan, buku, biaya pendidikan plus hal lainnya seperti pulsa dll.

Aku dari unair ya, ga ada biaya traktir senior, belikan hp dll.

Ga ada blas.

Murni biaya pendidikanku adalah untuk sekolahku sendiri.

2. Karena sekolahnya lama, pastikan anak menyukai dan paham semua konsekuensinya.

Konsekuensi logis yang dulu aku alami adalah waktu main yang terbatas

Aku ga bisa main sama temenku sebanyak yang lain.

3. Orang tua juga harus bersiap untuk mendanai jangka panjang. 


Karena jadi dokter di 

indonesia masih beda dgn dokter muda di luar negeri.

Di luar negeri dokter muda digaji dan walau mereka sekolah, uang yang diperoleh cukup buat beli kendaraan, sewa apartemen dan fokus sekolah.

Di luar negeri,  dana pendidikan full dari pemerintah, sehingga ibarat kata dokter muda cukup fokus buat sekolah dan melayani pasien.

4. Kalau tujuan utama jadi dokter  mau kaya, lupakan.😁. 

Kenapa? Sistem saat ini di negara kita amat sangat berbeda dengan negara lain.

Saat ini, sehari dokter spesialis melayani 100 pasien perhari di rumah sakit itu banyak ditemui.

Dan jangan dibayangkan perpasien apresiasinya 300 rb per pasien. 😅🤣

(Postinganku ada sebelumnya, disana bisa diintip sebetulnya berapa pendapatan teman teman dokter)

Jadi kalau saat mereka harus berpindah ke rumah sakit lain, kadang menyempatkan makan dulu, belok dulu istirahat sebentar.

Wajar nggak kalau kayak gini?

Akhirnya ya telat ke rumah sakit berikut.

5. Sekaligus menjawab banyak teman teman dan pasien yang mengeluh dokternya tidak tepat waktu dan moloran penyebabnya bisa karena ini ya.

Diluar negeri  itu 1 dokter hanya bekerja di 1 rumah sakit kalau memang sebagai pengajar dan tidak diijinkan kerja di tempat lain.

Konsekuensinya adalah, dijamin soal pendapatan penghidupannya. Akibatnya nakes bisa bekerja dengan baik di satu tempat.

Tak hanya itu, Sistem kesehatan di luar sudah berjenjang.

Artinya untuk mengakses layanan kesehatan ke dr spesialis tak semudah itu. 

Ga ada ceritanya tengah malam karena sakit perut langsung minta ditemuin sak dek sak nyet.

Kebetulan adekku di luar negeri, mengatakan hal yang sama. 

Saat ada keluhan yang dihubungi adalah suster nya dahulu.

Dari sini kita bisa lihat sisi jam kerja dokter di luar itu manusiawi.

Di indonesia bagaimana? 

Masalah jam kerja yang panjang 18 jam. 24 jam, 48 jam itu sudah lama seperti itu, dan siklusnya sulit diputuskan.

Kenapa? Bisa jadi, salah satunya adalah infrastrukturnya yang blm diperbaiki.

Plus point no 5 diatas. Sistem skrg bisa membuat kita sebagai dokter  harus melayani ratusan pasien dalam sehari. 

Beban kerja yang berat.

Jam yang panjang.

Pendapatan yang gitu lah

Semuanya kuakui membuat seseorang mudah stress.

6. Sebagai orang tua siap mendukung secara finansial dan emosional. 

Kenapa? Udah aku jelaskan panjang lebar dalam diatas, jangan terus anaknya sekolah kedokteran masih dibandingkan dengan anak temen yang usia 25 bisa cari uang sendiri.

Gitu yaaa teman teman

Udah sy jawab buat yang kemarin minta pertimbangan😁

Semoga menjawab dan bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan.

Dan kalau berharap sekolah 6 tahun lulus jadi dokter mau balik modal, menurutku jalan masih panjang🥰

Note: aku makan mie ga sering sering jadi jangan diprotes😁.


This post is for friends who want their children to become doctors.

Many have asked, so I will give my opinion and insight

1. Medical school is quite expensive, the study period is long.

On average in Indonesia, it takes 11 years to become a specialist.

And during school, of course, it costs a lot of money.

Food, books, education costs plus other things like phone credit, etc.

I'm from Unair, there is no cost to treat seniors, buy cellphones, etc.

No questions asked.

My education costs are purely for my own school.

2. Because the school is long, make sure your child likes and understands all the consequences.

The logical consequence that I used to experience was limited playtime

I couldn't play with my friends as much as others.

3. Parents must also be prepared to fund the long term.


Because being a doctor in Indonesia is still different from being a young doctor abroad.

Overseas young doctors are paid and even though they are in school, the money they earn is enough to buy a vehicle, rent an apartment and focus on school.

Overseas, education funds are fully funded by the government, so as the saying goes young doctors only need to focus on school and serving patients.

4. If the main goal of becoming a doctor is to be rich, forget it. 😁.

Why? The current system in our country is very different from other countries.

Currently, specialist doctors serve 100 patients per day in hospitals.

And don't imagine that the appreciation per patient is 300 thousand per patient. 😅🤣

(My previous post, there you can see how much my doctor friends actually earn)

So if when they have to move to another hospital, sometimes they take the time to eat first, take a turn and rest for a while.

Is it normal if it's like this?

In the end, they are late to the following hospital.

5. At the same time answering many friends and patients who complain that their doctors are not on time and are late, the cause could be because of this.

Overseas, 1 doctor only works in 1 hospital if they are a teacher and are not allowed to work elsewhere.

The consequence is that their income is guaranteed. As a result, health workers can work well in one place.

Not only that, the health system abroad is tiered.

This means that accessing health services to specialist doctors is not that easy.

There is no story of a stomachache in the middle of the night and immediately asking to be seen by a nurse.

Incidentally, my sister abroad said the same thing.

When there is a complaint, the nurse is the first to be contacted.

From here we can see the side of the doctor's working hours abroad that are humane.

How about in Indonesia?

The problem of long working hours of 18 hours. 24 hours, 48 ​​hours has been like that for a long time, and the cycle is difficult to break.

Why? It could be, one of the reasons is that the infrastructure has not been repaired.

Plus point no. 5 above. The current system can make us as doctors have to serve hundreds of patients in a day.

Heavy workload.

Long hours.

That kind of income

I admit that it makes someone easily stressed.

6. As a parent, be ready to support financially and emotionally.

Why? I have explained it at length above, don't keep comparing your child's medical school to your friend's child who is 25 years old and can earn their own money.

That's it, friends

I have answered for those who asked for consideration yesterday😁

Hopefully it answers and can be used as a consideration.

And if you expect to study for 6 years and graduate as a doctor to get your capital back, I think the road is still long🥰

Note: I don't eat noodles often, so don't protest😁.