Era Jokowi, Kekurangan BOS MTs dan MA di Banyumas Tembus Rp 1,3 M
Era Jokowi, kekirangan BOS MTs ugi MA teng Banyumas Tembus Rp 1,3 M
mboten namung wonten jenjang Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (mun), kekirangan dana BOS tahap 2 ugi dipunalami sakageman MTs ugi MA teng Banyumas, Jawi madya. Bahkan, total kekirangan mencapai Rp 1,3 miliar.
Plt mustaka Seksi pamucalan Madrasah, Drs H. Purwanto Hendro Puspito ngendikakaken, kekirangan BOS tahap 2 paling kathah kagem jenjang MTs kaliyan total nominal Rp 701.500.000 kagem 1.403 siswa teng 52 MTs. lajeng mun Rp 520.800.000 kagem 1.302 siswa teng 114 mun. kekirangan paling timur wonten MA Rp 103.600.000 kagem 143 siswa teng 16 MA.
“Terkait kekirangan BOS tahap 2 kebokmenawen taksih kedah nengga” ngandikanipun langkung kageman BOS Pendma Kankemenag Banyumas, Aji Kuswanto.
Berkaca wonten pandalon pangajengan kekirangan BOS tahap 2 taun 2018 lajeng, mila mustaka madrasah swasta saged menandatangani Addendum nawala punagen Kerjasama (SPK) panampen BOS ugi kuitansi panampen. Ketentuannya, aos bantuan wonten SPK diisi aos bantuan ingkang katampi lebet 1 taun. aos bantuan wonten kuitansi diisi aos
bantuan kaot kekirangan. kagem penyetoran SPK ugi kwitansi kagem mun langkung KKM mun kecamatan masing-masing.
The Era of the rupiah and the MA in Banyumas translucent Rp 1.3 M
Not only at the level of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), the shortage of BOS funds Phase 2 also experienced some MTs and MA in Banyumas, Central Java. In fact, total shortage reaches Rp 1.3 billion.
PLT Head of Education section Madrasah, Drs H. Purwanto Hendro Puspito said, the most number 2 BOSS deficiency for MTs level with a nominal total of Rp 701.5 million to 1,403 students at 52 MTs. Then MI 520.8 million for 1,302 students at 114 MI. The smallest drawback in MA is Rp 103.6 million for 143 students at 16 MA.
"With regard to the shortage of BOS, Phase 2 will still have to wait" he said through the section BOS PENDMA Kankemenag Banyumas, Aji Kuswanto.
Reflecting on the experience of the 2-year BOSS shortage of 2018 years ago, then the private Madrasah head can sign the cooperation agreement Addendum (SPK) acceptance of the BOS and receipt receipts. The conditions, the value of assistance on the SPK filled with the value of assistance received in 1 year. Value of help on receipts filled in value
Relief of deficiency. For deposits and receipts for MI through the KKM MI Sub-district.
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