Cambridge University Press teka menyang neng UMP
''Kami sengaja ngundang narasumber Cambridge University Press kanggo menehake panglatian marang para mahasiswa lan dosen ben luwih gampang nggoleki informasi ilmiah neng Cambridge Core,'' gamblang endhas Perpustakaan UMP Purwati, Selasa (3/9).
dheweke ngaranekne, CUP ngrupakne lembaga penerbitan paling tuwa neng donya sakwise Oxford University Press. liwat kemempengan kuwi, dheweke ngarep-arep kabeh civitas akademika UMP ora meneh ngalami kerekasan kanggo mengakses jurnal-jurnal ilmiah sing neng CUP.
''kemempengan iki uga ngrupakne jangkah tindak banjur ngenani SK Rektor UMP sing majibke mahasiswa UMP mencantumkan artikel internasional nang tugas akhir,'' gamblange.
wakilan University of Cambridge Press Jona Geovani, jero kesempatan kuwi ngaranekne University of Cambridge Press adeg nang abad 16 dadine ngrupakne penerbit paling tuwa neng donya. ''Cambridge Press adeg taun 1534. Awalnya, CUP mung menerbitkan buku-buku khusus kanggo internal guron dhuwur. ning wektu iki wis berkembang dadi upaden global kaya wektu iki,'' turene.
Cambridge University Press coming to the UMP
Cambridge University Press (CUP) provides explanations and guidance on the academic civitas of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMP) to be able to access scientific journals published by the institution.
' ' We deliberately invited Cambridge University Press speakers to provide training to students and lecturers to make it easier to find scientific information at Cambridge Core, ' ' Clear head of the library UMP Purwati, Tuesday (3/9).
He mentions, CUP is the oldest publishing institution in the world after the Oxford University Press. Through that activity, he hoped that UMP's academic civitas would no longer have difficulty accessing scientific journals in the CUP.
' ' This activity is also a follow-up step on the DECREE of the rector of UMP that requires UMP students to include international articles on the final assignment, ' ' he explained.
The representative of the University of Cambridge Press Jona Geovani, on that occasion mentioned the University of Cambridge Press established in the 16th century so is the oldest publisher in the world. Cambridge Press stood in 1534. Initially, the CUP only published special books for internal colleges. But nowadays it has evolved into a global company as it is today, ' ' he said.
Further Jona reveals, published by the University of Cambridge Press, among others, journals in the fields of Humanitis, science, social sciences, technology and medicine. We basically cover the whole subject in the Learning field. Kita University of Cambridge Press is not a commercial company, ' ' he explained.
Today, Jona said, the University of Cambridge Press has 390 journals that are routinely published. But next year, there will be a 405 journal published. ' ' Every year, we have additional new journals. For the book itself we publish about 1,700 books whose authors come from all over the world, ' ' he explained.
Narasumber Cambridge University Press (CUP) menehake panggamblangan lan bimbingan nang civitas akademika Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMP) kanggo bisa mengakses jurnal ilmiah sing diterbitkan lembaga kesebut.
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